i am an ordinary teacher, loyal to the party's education, in 23 years teaching career, from time to time to an excellent standard of teachers themselves, diligent, conscientious, loving students, comrades united in the ordinary post some achievements made by students, parents, colleagues, leadership at home.
a temper of thought, improve the state
as a teacher, i know that learning is a lifelong thing, only to continuous learning in order to advance with the times in terms of ideology, a strong man in business financing can be a qualified teacher of the people's republic of china. in the two decades of work, i have always conscientiously study marxism-leninism mao zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory and "three represents" important thought, in the face of major stand firm and clear-cut, with the party central committee at all times maintain a high degree of unity, faithful to the party's education . usually pay attention to the current study the party's principles, policies, concerned with national issues, and learn the use of political theory to guide their practice. the rostrum in the foot, i earnestly implement the party's education line, principles and policies, in strict accordance with the party's education policy, curriculum teaching, teacher and dedicated work to do a good job teaching. in any position, i have a high sense of responsibility and dedication to all of the enthusiasm into the work to foster the ideals, moral, disciplined, educated a new generation of successors for the term of office, love post jobs, willing to devote themselves, and willingly fulfill their sacred duty of teaching.
second, business skills, to join the curriculum
as an experienced teacher, i do not have the results in the stagnation of the past, high standards and strict requirements to treat myself, i am seriously in teaching classes, classes seriously, get their brains working, studying business, with an open mind to consult colleagues;timely patiently counseling students, for students of martial law and degrees, in good faith with the students to get along with the students to communicate with love. i think that students should be dependent on the teachers, experienced teachers teaching, but also a close friend, the elderly should be respected. with love and like it, the students always love my class, classroom teaching performance classes year round at the forefront of the same year. i brought the students in each class exams are among the best, not a student in my belief that hard work behind the fertile ground in education, i taught many classes as advanced classes.
i am diligent in learning, good at business, willing to devote themselves. every curriculum reform at the forefront of curriculum reform, teaching experience as a school, a rich old teachers, i am their ……此处隐藏2027个字……tudy the lessons, to help young teachers improve their teaching methods, for each class, i would seriously class to help persons to identify the advantages and disadvantages of the medium of instruction so as to make them their own direction .
of course, education is always an art of regret, i will persevere in this extraordinary position to make spending their youth and enthusiasm!
教师的素质直接影响着学生的学风和学校的校风,教师的形象直接关系着学生素质的培养。师者为师亦为范,“学高为师,德高为范。”走上三尺讲台,教书育人;走下三尺讲台,为人师表。教师不仅是社会主义精神文明的建设者和传播者,更是莘莘学子们的道德基因的转接者。因此,师德 ,不是简单的说教,而是一种精神体现,一种深厚的知识内涵和文化品位的体现!师德需要培养,需要教育,更需要的是——每位教师的自我修养!用自身的榜样作用和人格魅力,让学生佩服,从而仿效。“桃李不言,下自成蹊。”相信合格的教师才能塑造出合格的学生。